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发布时间:2021/11/22 14:44    浏览次数:   



姓名:张浩  性别:男

拼音:Zhang Hao





College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun, China


Computer Application

研究方向(Research Interests)

1. Machine Learning Algorithms in Bioinformatics

2. Biological Big Data Analysis

3. Pattern Recognition and Image Processing





个人简历(Biography) (以下选填)

教育背景:(Educational Background)

1. Ph. D Biological Solid Mechanics, College of Mechanical Engineering, Jilin University

2. M. Sc Computer Applications Technology, College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University

3. B.S. Computer Applications Technology, College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University

工作经历: (Working Experience)

Dr. Zhang Hao is a professor at the College of Computer Science and Technology of Jilin University, a visiting scholar at the University of Missouri-Columbia, and a senior visiting scholar at Zhejiang University.

学术兼职:(Part-time Academic Jobs)

1. Project expert of Science and Technology Department of Jilin Province

2. Project expert of Changchun Science and Technology Bureau

3. Project expert of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology

4. Project expert of the Hebei Provincial Department of Science and Technology

5. Member of the Bioinformatics and Artificial Life Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Artificial Intelligence

6. Member of the Bioinformatics Professional Committee of the Chinese Computer Society

7. Member of the Intelligent Health and Bioinformatics Committee of the Chinese Society of Automation

8. Member of the Medical Health and Biological Information Processing Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Chinese.


1. Outstanding postdoctoral fellow of Jilin University

2. Outstanding visiting scholar of Zhejiang University

3. Science of China Highway Society Progress Award

4. Jilin Province Science and Technology Progress Award.

发表文章及所获项目 (Publications)

请列举5篇左右代表性论文或著作。(Please list 5 representative publications)

1. Mining Magnaporthe oryzae sRNAs with potential Transboundary regulation of Rice genes associated with growth and defense through expression profile analysis of the pathogen-infected Rice, Frontiers in genetics, 2019

2. A new method of RNA secondary structure prediction based on convolutional neural network and dynamic programming, Frontiers in genetics, 2019

3. Identification of novel Phytophthora infestans small RNAs involved in potato late blight reveals potential cross-kingdom regulation to facilitate oomycete infection, International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, 2020

4. GAEBic: A Novel Biclustering Analysis Method for miRNA-Targeted Gene Data Based on Graph Autoencoder, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2021

5. Multitask feature learning approach for knowledge graph enhanced recommendations with RippleNet, Plos one, 2021

对所招收的国际学生语言、科研能力有无特殊要求;如有请简述。(Are there any special requirements for international students, such as language and scientific research capabilities. If so, please give a brief description.)

1. Familiar with English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

2. Able to use Chinese for daily communication

3. Strong mathematical foundation and data analysis skills

4. Strong research writing ability






地址:中国吉林省长春市修正路1505号 友谊会馆

电话:+86-431-85166885 / 85166518





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