On November 29, 2018, Jilin University International Students’ Union (JLUISU) was officially founded in the Academic Hall of Central Campus. Dai Lei, secretary of JLU Youth League Committee, Li Meihua, dean of School of International Education, Sui Haijiao, deputy director of Students’ Affair Department, Song Zhihao, president of JLU Students’ Union and all the members of ISU attended the meeting.

The first agenda of the meeting was the remark from Dai Lei. Dai thought that ISU was a key connection between the university and the international students and the best embodiment of JLU’s culture of embracing diversities. He hoped ISU would live up to the trust and expectation of the university and the international students and push forward, on the basis of the existing achievement, the all-round development of campus construction and student management and service. He also hoped that every international student would gain knowledge as well as friendship during his or her stay in JLU and when he or she returns disseminate Chinese culture and contribute JLU wisdom and power to his or her country.

Next, Li Meihua, dean of SIE, presented the flag to ISU. Dai Lei and Sui Haijiao put on the badges for 8 representative international students. 4 representative international students came to the stage and signed letters of commitment. Led by the chairman, all members of the ISU swore in, committing themselves to serving their fellow students and developing the management of international students with their enthusiasm, earnest and diligence.

Bah Boubacar Alpha, the chairman of ISU, made a speech. He said, “Overseas students may come across many problems in a foreign country and we want to help them at an appropriate time so that everyone can adapt himself faster to university life and at the same time carry out our common goal – to build a better JLU. We strongly believe that union brings success, so all international students will join hands, support each other and unite all students to do well in cross-culture communication and integration and to build a more beautiful JLU together.”

As the last agenda, Li Meihua addressed the meeting. She first congratulated the newly elected international students and then she expressed her hope that student leaders would exert their unique advantages in their work and cooperate with each other to improve international student management as well as enrich their personal life experience. After the address, Song Zhihao and Bah Boubacar Alpha unveiled the nameplate together, marking the official foundation of JLUISU.

As the number of international students in our university rises steadily, joint effort from both teachers and students has to be made to enable them to have a stronger awareness of self-education, self-management, self-service, and self-supervision and to quicken their integration into Chinese society and culture. The founding of ISU is just a step to upgrade the routine student management and service. It is believed that ISU will disseminate JLU spirit of “Men are taller than mountains; feet are longer than roads”, and, together with the teachers, build a more internationalized campus.
School of International Education
November 30, 2018